EP: Extra points player

Extra points are the sum of all points of these: EP = levels_past_30 +number_dungeons_completed + bosskills_cngiant + shard_highest_level + number_shards_completed + bosskills_shgiant

AF: Fishing

Calculating the fishing of a fellowship. AF = sum(fish fished by all fellows) / AFT * 1000, round to int

AB: Average Brew Points

Calculating the brewing potions points of a fellowship. AB = sum(potions brewed by all fellows) / AFT * 1000, round to int

AG: Points for gathering

Calculating the gathinring points of a fellowship. AG = sum(gathered by all fellows) / AFT * 1000, round to int

AL: Average Level

Calculating the average level points of a fellowship AL = Sum(PL of fellows) / AFT * 1000, round to next int

AG: Average Gather

Calculates the herb and orb gather points of a fellowship. AG = AFT / (sum(all gathers of fellows) * 0.01, rounded to int

PL: Player Level

Summ of all levels of a Character PL = archer + barbarian + fisher + bard + fisher + gambler + orbhealer + paladin + runemage + shaman + swordboard + unarmed

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